Friday, May 31, 2019
The Partner by John Grisham Essay -- The Partner by John Grisham
The Partner by John GrishamThe Partner is one of John Grishams best books by furthermost There was a little more description in The Partner, then in The Firm, but this one had a very slow intro. The book open up with an anonymous man living in Brazil under an unknown name. Patrick Lanigan, now known as Danilo Silva, was living a normal life, not devising a big deal about the ninety million dollars he had stolen from his ex-law firm two years ago. Danilo is wanted by his ex-law firm buddies, his client from whom he stole the money, and from the FBI. The people that want him the most were the men hired by the client that lost the ninety million, and they were the ones he was afraid of. He knew if the FBI found him hed be busted, but also safe, if the other thugs found him, he was dead, all they cared about was the money. One day while he was jogging Danilo is kidnapped and taken to a place where he is tortured with electricity and other devious objects. The FBI sure a tip that Pat rick Lanigan had been captured, and when the FBI found this team of hitmen, and took Patrick, he had already received burns on his skin and charred his flesh. When Danilo returns to his home town, he once again is Patrick Lanigan, and is forced to face up to all the things he has done in his past. The depression thing he does is he gets himself a good lawyer, one he knew from his first life, an old buddy from college. A judge friend, the one who spoke at his funeral, also came to visit Patrick in the ho...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Zero Tolerance Essay -- essays research papers
Zero Tolerance Doubtful IndeedMany schools around the country build been faced with violence and even actual deaths. Take the incident at Columbine, for example. Many schools for this very reason have proposed and in some cases even oblige a policy called, The Zero Tolerance Policy. The denomination, Taking Zero Tolerance to the Limit by Jesse Katz, is about the absolute ban of drugs and weapons in schools. It doesnt work. It doesnt work because it punishes everyone for the problems of few, its too extreme and there is still no clear line between what is a drug and what is a weapon.First of all, the nought tolerance policy is very unfair because it punishes everyone for the problems of few. Even if youre the best student in the school and have never taken any drugs or used any weapons except for the butter knife, you still have to feel uncomfortable as if you really have used drugs or weapons. For example, in the article by Jesse Katz, when it talks about the girl who got Midol to school and shared it with another girl with the sole purpose of easing menstrual cramps. Kimberly, the girl who had gotten the drug along with Erica, the girl that received the drug got a ten-day suspension. The parents of Kimberly got the district later on with a federal lawsuit for racial discrimination because the school suspended Kimberly, who is black, for 80 more days because she had the drug.Another example from the article of t...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Keplers Laws and Planetary Movement Essay -- Physics Science Planets
By the turn of the 1600s, the way in which the solar system and the universe as a whole was viewed began to change. With the polemic conclusions of Copernicus, scientists already began to adopt the idea of a heliocentric solar system. Further advancements in astronomy came about through the research of Tycho Brahe and his assistant Johannes Kepler. The three fickle laws developed by Kepler with the data gathered by Brahe shaped the way in which science viewed the structure and motion of the planets of the solar system in level-headed ways, lasting to this day.A Brief History of Johannes KeplerJohannes Kepler began his studies in astronomy as an assistant to the astronomer Tycho Brahe, whom, by his own right, was a formidable observer of the heavens, disdain his rather illogical conclusions about the Earth and the movement of other celestial bodies. Brahes observations were phenomenally sinless, especially considering the technology available at the time, often accurate to less t han half of a minute of arc. In hindsight, however Brahes creditability as an astronomer is diminished due to his lack of acceptance of the idea of a heliocentric solar system created by Copernicus. He agreed that the other five known planets revolved around the sun, but that the Earth would be incompetent of such movement and would certainly be detectable by the inhabitants of the Earth if that were the case.Keplers First LawSince his introduction into astronomy, Kepler had held a strong faith in the true statement of the theories of Copernicus. Under Copernican theory, all planets traveled in perfectly circular orbits around the sun. However, Keplers observations, especially in regards to the orbit of Mars, suggested that planets trave... ...s Third Law. What else should be renowned is that the constant (42/Gm) is included in the equation. thus creating an equation that not only proves Keplers Third Law, but is also far reaching in its hardheaded applications. For instance, if the peroid and distance from the sun of a planet were known, the mass of the planet could easily be calculated.Conclusion The remarkable aspect to Keplers Laws is that they were able to unify the seemingly complicated motion of the planets in the heavens with relatively simple concepts. The conclusion that the orbits of planets are elliptical rather than circular paved the way into developing compendious relationships between all the planets by explaining the variance in the velocity of a planet as it travels through its orbit. This proportional relationship, T2 = KR3, merge the motions of the planets beautifully.
Analysis of Americas Longest War: The United States in Vietnam :: Vietnam War Essays
Analysis of Americas Longest War The United States in VietnamThe reports in this novel are prefaced with a quote by Robert Shaplen, which sums up the feelings of those Americans involved in the Vietnam conflict. He states, Vietnam, Vietnam . . .. There are no sure answers. In this novel, the author gives a detailed historic account of the happenings in Vietnam between 1950 and 1975. He successfully reports the confusing nature, proximity to the present and the emotions that still surround the conflict in Vietnam. In his journey through with(predicate) the years that America was involved in the Vietnam conflict, Herring seeks to integrate military, diplomatic, and political factors in such a way as to clarify Americas involvement and last failure in Vietnam. Herring begins his account with a summary of the First Indochina War. He reports that the Vietnamese resisted French imperialism as persistently as they had Chinese. French colonial policies had transformed the Vietnamese econo mic and social systems, giving rise to an urban middle class, however the exploitation of the country and its people stimulated more chemical group revolutionary activity. Herring states that the revolution of 1945 was almost entirely the personal creation of the charismatic leader Ho Chi Minh. Minh is described as a imperfect and gentle man who radiated warmth and serenity, however beneath this mild exterior existed a determined revolutionary who was willing to employ the most cold- blooded methods in the cause to which he dedicated his life. With the guidance of Minh, the Vietminh launched as a response to the favorable circumstances of World War II. By the spring of 1945, Minh mobilized a small of great support. When Japan surrendered in 1945, the Vietminh filled the vacuum. France and the Vietminh attempted to negotiate an agreement, but their goals were irreconcilable. With all of this occurring in Vietnam, it was bound to draw attention from the United States. Herring repor ts that chairwoman Franklin D. Roosevelt recognized that colonialism was doomed and that the US should identify with the Vietminh. In 1945, however, Roosevelt retreated from that earlier stance and endorsed a program in which colonies would be placed in trust territory only with the approval of the mother country. After Roosevelts death in April 1945, the US adopted a stance even more favorable to the French beneath the rule of the new president Harry S. Truman. Herring states that the Truman administration had no interest in championing schemes of international trusteeship that would weaken and alienate the European states whose religious service we need to balance Soviet power in Europe(10).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat down. :: Drama
At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat down. intimate the room there was a projector and a video camera motion-picture photography the exam.Task OneAll things in bold and underlined are the explorative strategies we employ during the exam.At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat down.Inside the room there was a projector and a video camera filming theexam. I was told to relax and accordingly told to stand up and act like acharacter that depsised everyone else some myself. We all did thisat the same time, whilst walking around the drama studio. At one pointwe were told to act scared of everyone around ourselves I noticed thatnot many people varied their pace as they changed their roles. We werethen told to play a range of different characters. I did not realise howothers were performing as I was concentrating on my own performance.All of this was mimed.We were then told to look at the picture on the projector. The wholeclass got into pairs and discussed the picture on the screen. It was apicture produced by an artist named George Grosz. His style is statedas Caricature the picture we were shown was in this style. In pairswe discussed what we thought was happening in this picture. I wasworking with Victoria and we decided that the men at the front were patently separated from the other characters in the picture, byhaving huge charateristics (e.g Nose and body shape). The poor wereslightly crouched to give the effect they were lower than the 3 men atthe front of the picture. Which was non-naturlistic.We then were told to re-create the picture by ourselves in the studio.Half of the group used physical theatre to create the buildings in thebackground of the picture. The other half of the group had to act asthe people that were in the picture. The students that were acting aspeople used body language to create different standards of sustainment ofthe characters. The picture had 3 different types of people. They wererich, poor, or soldiers.Men played all the rich people which I found slightly sexist. However,they used body language to create an essence of how important and richthey were. They tried to look tough and heavy by crouching theirshoulders up and keeping their hands away from their faces, whichshows that they are not unhealthy (no coughing from illness) Theirfaces showed a bossy and un-sympathetic attitude towards the oldpeople.
At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat down. :: Drama
At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat d own. Inside the room there was a projector and a video camera filming the exam.Task OneAll things in bold and underlined are the explorative strategies we apply during the exam.At first the whole class went into the drama studio and sat down.Inside the room there was a projector and a video camera filming theexam. I was told to relax and then told to stand up and act like acharacter that depsised everyone else around myself. We all did thisat the aforesaid(prenominal) time, whilst walking around the drama studio. At one pointwe were told to act scared of everyone around ourselves I noticed thatnot many people varied their pace as they changed their roles. We werethen told to play a range of other characters. I did not realise howothers were performing as I was concentrating on my own performance.All of this was mimed.We were then told to look at the picture on the projector. The wholeclass got into pairs and discussed the picture on the screen. It was apicture produced by an artist named George Grosz. His expressive style is statedas Caricature the picture we were shown was in this style. In pairswe discussed what we thought was happening in this picture. I wasworking with Victoria and we decided that the men at the front wereobviously separated from the other characters in the picture, byhaving huge charateristics (e.g Nose and body shape). The poor wereslightly crouched to give the effect they were lower than the 3 men atthe front of the picture. Which was non-naturlistic.We then were told to re- name the picture by ourselves in the studio.Half of the group used physical theatre to create the buildings in thebackground of the picture. The other half of the group had to act asthe people that were in the picture. The students that were acting aspeople used body language to create different standards of living ofthe characters. The picture had 3 different types of people. They wererich, poor, or soldiers.Men played all the rich people which I found slightly sexist. However,they used body language to create an essence of how important and richthey were. They tried to look tough and heavy by crouching theirshoulders up and keeping their hands forth from their faces, whichshows that they are not unhealthy (no coughing from illness) Theirfaces showed a bossy and un-sympathetic attitude towards the oldpeople.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Outsiders in Brave New World Essay
Outsiders are a very common theme in the novel Brave New adult male by Aldous Huxley. Many characters orient traits of an foreigner. John is one character who fits the bill. He is the ultimate outsider. Other outsiders in the book are Bernard and Linda. All of these characters have traits that make it difficult for them to fit in to the society of the New World. They dont fit in a conforming society. These three characters are perfect examples of outsiders in Brave New World. Bernard is an outsider who doesnt want to be an outsider.He wants more than anything to fit in, and when he does, he takes advantage of it. He is physic entirelyy smaller than the other Alphas. Other Alphas call that a gamma put alcohol in his blood surrogate when he was a baby, which is why Bernard never fully developed physically (Huxley, 46). He also spends most of his time by himself alone (Huxley, 45). The other Alphas dont really want to be around him. Bernard has one friend, Helmholtz Watson, who is also an outsider. Everyone in the beginning of the book views Bernard as an outsider.When Lenina tells her friend Fanny about being interested in Bernard, she looks startled and strongly disapproves of the idea because of Bernards reputation (Huxley, 44). pot dont accept his differences because they are brainwashed to think that everyone who is different doesnt belong in their perfect society. Bernard later starts to fit in to society because of his newfound popularity after bringing John back from the Reservation. He begins to conform because deep down all he wants to do is fit in. He throws a party and is all of the sudden the most popular kid around.He really enjoys his newfound popularity. His sudden change in attitude shows how shallow he is. He disapproves of the society in the New World because they didnt accept him in the beginning. When they accept him, he likes the society which shows how hypocritical he is. Johns mother, Linda, is another classic example of an outcast i n Brave New World. First of all, she had a child, which is unheard of in their society. People in the New World are shocked when they learn of the child. The word mother alone made Lenina look uncomfortable (Huxley, 118).The idea of a family disgusts the citizens of the New World and she is definitely viewed as an outsider for having one. Another reason Linda isnt accepted is the fact that she aged. When Lenina first sees Linda, she is disgusted at all the lines on her face and she cringes at the sight of the wrinkles and her droopy cheeks, with those purple blotches (Huxley, 119). The citizens are not use to old people. Lenina does not know that this was the natural aging process. Linda is also viewed as an outsider on the Indian Reservation.She is used to the New World, and when she first arrives in the Indian Reservation, she is viewed as different. She is used to sleeping with many men, so when she had people in the ordinary way, the others thought she was wicked (Huxley, 121). The women who lived on the reticence hate her deeply. She becomes an outsider on the Reservation. Linda is a fitting example of an outsider in the book because she aged, she has a kid, and she lived on the Indian Reservation with the same ethics as the people from the New World. Lastly, the ultimate example of an outsider is John.He is an outsider in both the Indian Reservation and the New World. He is a stranger in the reservation, because he was born of a woman from the New World and his skin was much more pale than the others (Huxley, 118). He is an outsider in the New World as well because he is a Savage from the Indian Reservation. He does not live by the same moral reckon as the other citizens of the New World. He wants to leave the New World. He goes to the controller at one point and asks if he mightnt go to the islands with Helmholtz and Bernard (Huxley, 242).He does not fit into the New World and he does not agree with the morals they lived by. He is searching for trut h, which is a foreign idea to the citizens of the New World. He ends up spending his time alone, because he does not like the people of the New World. His wish to be alone is the reason why he wants to go to the islands. He wants to be anywhere else, So long as he can be alone (Huxley, 243). He does not conform to the society because he had expectant up naturally, without being brainwashed by the government.In conclusion, John is the textbook example of an outsider in the book because no matter where he is, he never fits in. These three characters are great examples of outsiders in Brave New World. Outsiders are a very common theme in the book, and John, Linda, and Bernard are all characters who display traits of people who are different. Because they do not conform to the societies they live in, they become outcasts. Without these traits, this novel would not have much of a story.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Transaction, Operating Accounting Exposures
Transaction, Operating, & Accounting (Translation) vulnerabilitys Foreign Ex heighten Exposure measures the potential for a mansions profitability, sugar cash flow, and market abide by to alter because of a change in stand in rates. Q What are the 3 main foreign alter exposures? A 1) Transaction Exposure 2) Operating Exposure 3) Accounting Exposure Transaction Exposure measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates.Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operational cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) measures accounting-derived changes in owners loveliness as a result of translating foreign funds financial statements into a single reportage currency. Exhibit 8. 1 pic Note In the fourth cast of 2001 Amazon. om reported a net income of $5 million, due in part to a one-time foreign currency gain of $16 million. Hedging To take a position that will rise (or fall) in value to offset a change in value of an existing position. Benefits of Hedging Costs of Hedging improve the planning capability of the firm. Risk-averse strategy that benefits management more than Reduced the likelihood of financial distress. i. e. the risk that cashshareholders. (i. e. shareholders can diversify currency risk on an flows will fall below what is required for debt payments and continuedas needed basis) operations) Consumes the firms resources and expected cash flows to the firm Management has a relative advantage over shareholders. (i. e. are not increased. (i. e. gency theory, NPV of hedging is zero, understanding the currency risk of the firm and take advantage of a and FX losses appear on the I/S while hedging are buried in disequilibrium through selective hedging) operating(a) and touch on expen ses) Transaction Exposure Transaction Exposure measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates. Transaction exposure can arise from the following activities ? get or selling foreign goods and services on credit. Borrowing or lending in another currency. ? Foreign exchange contracts. Exhibit 8. 3 The life history Span of Transaction Exposure pic Example Expect to squirrel away ? 1,000,000 in three months on a sale, minimum acceptable value $1,700,000. Q What type of movement exposure has occurred? A Billing Exposure S0 = $1. 7640/? ES90= $1. 76/? F90= $1. 7540/? iU. K. = 10% per year (2. 5% per quarter) kU. K. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) iU. S. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) kU. S. = 6% per year (1. 5% per quarter) P90ATM = $1. 75 (1. 5% premium) P90OTM = $1. 71 (1% premium)Note ES90 is the deemd plaza rate in three months, i is the borrowing interest rate, and k is the investment interest rate, P90ATM is an a t-the- bullion three-month put option, and P90OTM is an out-of-the-money three month put option. Q Is the pound expected to appreciate or depreciate? A Depreciate Q What is the forward premium/discount on the pound? A pic Q What are the four alternatives to hedge a transaction exposure? A1) Remain unhedged 2) Hedge in the forward market 3) Hedge in the money market 4) Hedge in the options market 1) Remain unhedged, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at the new agency rate. pic 2) Hedge in the forward market, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at $1. 7540/?. pic 3) Hedge in the money market, borrow ? 975,610 today, and exchange for dollars at the topical spot rate ($1. 7640/? ). Invest the $1,720,976 for 90 days, and in 90 days pay back the loan + interest with the ? 1,000,000. Q To construct a money market hedge, how much should the investor borrow today if the annual interest rate is 10% and the company expects to receive ? 1,000,000 in 90 days? A pic Q At what investment rate is the money market hedge victor to the forward contract? A pic pic Note Either the forward contract or the money market hedge is better than an uncovered position if the spot rate at time 2 is less than the forward rate. But, if the funds can be invested at anything above 7. 68% (or 1. 92% for 90 days) thus the money market hedge is a better option than the forward contract. If the spot rate at time 2 is greater than what can be earned by investing the funds in the company (in this case the funds are invested in the company yielding the companys WACC of 12% or $1,772,605) then the uncovered hedge would be superior. 4) Hedge in the options market.An at-the-money1 (ATM) put option is selling for a 1. 5% premium. The cost of the option is (size of the option) x (premium) x (spot rate) = cost, in this case ? 1,000,000 x 0. 015 x $1. 7640 = $26,460. This is the maximum loss, while the maximum gain is the spot price the cost of the option. pic To compare the alternatives, first estima te what you expect spot rates to be, then estimate a range of possible prices, and consider your ability to accept the downside. Then select the best strategy. some(a) Examples pic Q Transaction exposure arises from what? A Sales and expenses that are already contracted for.Operating Exposure Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operating cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Q Operating Exposure depends on whether an unexpected change in exchange rates causes unanticipated changes in what? A Sales volume, gross r as yetue prices, or operating costs Figure 9. 1 Financial and Operating Cash Flows Between Parent and Subsidiary pic Q What are four proactive ways to manage operating exposure?A 1) Matching currency cash flows 2) Risk-sharing agreements 3) Back-to-back or parallel loans 4) Currency swaps Note Planning for operating exposure depends on the fundamental interaction of strategies in finance, marketing, purchasing, and production. Accounting (Translation) Exposure Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) measures accounting-derived changes in owners equity as a result of translating foreign currency financial statements into a single reporting currency. Q What are the financial goals of the multinational enterprise? A1) To maximize unify after-tax income ) To minimize the firms effective worldwide tax burden 3) To correct the positioning of the firms income, cash flows, and available funds. Note These goals are frequently seen as inconsistent. Functional currency the overleap currency used by the foreign subsidiary in its day-to-day operations. Q What are the two basic methods for the description of foreign subsidiary financial statements? A 1) The current rate method 2) The temporal method Current rate method a method of translating the financial statements of foreign affiliates into the parents reporting currency.All assets and liabilities are translated at the current exchange rate. Temporal method assumes that a number of individual line item assets such as inventory and net plant and equipment are restated regularly to reflect market value. Q Which method is the most common worldwide? A The current rate method Q What are the advantages of the current rate method? A 1) The variability of reported earnings due to translation gains or losses is eliminated, because the gain or loss on translation goes directly to a reserve account (rather than passing through the income statement). ) Does not distort balance planing machine ratios such as the current ratio or debt-to-equity ratio (because the relative proportions of the individual balance sheet accounts remain the alike. Q What is the disadvantage of the current rate method? A 1) It violates the accounting principle of carrying balance sheet accounts at historical costs. Q What is the advantage of the temporal m ethod? A 1) Foreign nonmonetary assets are carried at their original cost in the parents consolidated statement. Homework Problems Chapter 8 1.Imagine one of the companies from your final examination project is expecting an $80million payment in one year. The company also expects $20million in expenses in one year. Use truly figures or the following Current spot rate 3. 4x/$ (trend shows 3. 8x/$ two months ago) Interest rates are 14% in your sylvan and 4% in the U. S. forrad contracts are too expensive Based on the current spot rate and relative interest rates, please advise your company on its currency exposure. Chapter 9 2. Imagine one of your companies will soon be exporting to China.Use the following (replace the $ equivalent with your currency at the current spot price) Current sales of 1,000,000 units per year at a price equivalent to $24 each. Current spot price Rmb8. 2/$, but the H. K. advisory will drop the value next week to Rmb10/$. Direct costs are 75% of the U. S. d ollar sales price. Accepting this forecast, advise the company on two options 1) Maintain the same renminbi price (i. e. no change in price) 2) Raise the price to offset the devaluation and experience a 10% drop in unit volume. A) What would be the short (one year) impact of each strategy?B) Which do you recommend? Optional Assignment (0. 5 participation points) Prepare a write-up on the country you are doing for your final project. (Include GDP, inflation, major exports/imports, major stock exchange, currency, exchange rate, and anything else you find interesting and relevant) use sources like countryreports. org, cia. gov, etc. And remember to compare your country to something (i. e. the U. S. or another country in the region) Try to make everything you turn in look professional, imagine youre getting paid for your work.Please cite your sources throughout the report, and if you could e-mail it to me before next Monday, thats even better. Final Project These are two great sites to look at for your final project globaledge. msu. edu www. world-exchanges. org 1 An at-the-money put, means that the strike price is equal to the current spot price Meaning an investor is indifferent between exercising the option or going to the market. In this case the forward rate is $1. 7540/? , and the option is $1. 75/? nonnegative 1. 5% premium.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How a City Slowly Drowned Essay
This case summarizes events preceding the Hurricane Katrina, which was one of the worst natural catastrophes in the modern history of the USA. It raises questions about the lack of reasonable prevention and preparation actions payable to flimsy structure and neckment of the responsible organizations and persons, invalidity and inconsistence of their actions and incapability of making the decisions in a timely manner. As a sequel of the unstructured and scattered activities, we could observe several ineffective and costly attempts to mitigate floods and hurricanes. In the beginning the local officials, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and W make believee Houses past and present always be penny-wise and pound-foolish because of the chain of the wrong decisions, which is indicated by Republican Sen. David Vitters words Instead of spending millions now, we are going to spend billions later (Grunwald and Glasser). single of the key actors in this case who made the most important decisio ns was the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The agency had a budget formulated by the earmarks. The Corps in Louisiana were getting more money for the protection from hurricanes than close to(prenominal) other state, yet, the actions were non contractn care of until the very last moment. In the late nineteenth century the Corps, were holding to levees-only policy.So it is not surprising, that the U.S. Army Corps wee mechanismed the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet project in 1965, which increased the behave wave when Katrina hit sweet Orleans (Grunwald and Glasser). This is an evidence of poorly thought-out decision made by this agency. The Corps havent been interested in hurricanes until Betsy hit the city. No wonder that evaluation of the threats was again commissioned to the Corps instead of another research institute or agency. It becomes obvious that the Corps had failed their mission, only placid had the authority for the implementation. Other key actors of the case are po liticians, particularly the local officials and the Congress. Local officials didnt want to spend money on expensive but effective projects, which could have saved the lives and infrastructure of the city if implemented on time. It is though surprising that thither has been shown no considerable interest of the local world or non- disposalal organizations in prevention and mitigation of the disasters. However, it is important to mention the concern of the local scientists who tried to warn the officials about the approaching danger. LSU professor Joe Suhayda tried to touch the Corps to upgrade the citysdefenses, but was told to choose the stepwise abut which put up the ascendant of the problem on the shelf (Grunwald and Glasser).On the other side, the community and its leaders should have put commodiouser pressure on the local officials and the federal government to make changes in the law and take actions before the hurricane hit innovative Orleans, make them take care of the worst case scenario, not the Category 3 hurricanes. It would also be a earnest option if NGOs could make an independent analysis of the environmental situation in the area, involve the experienced specialists from other countries to the projects, and get their advice before letting the Corps implement anything in the area. There was no performance measurement of the problem handling. In my opinion, there should have been some agencies or private companies hired by the government to check and follow up the actions taken by the Corps. Local population was not getting information on how efficiently tax payers money was spent. No visible actions had been taken by the city mayor, who was responsible for the social welfare and protection of human lives. The main problem of the politicians and the political agencies in this case was the work they chose to make their decisions. In fact, they chose incremental (branch) mode instead of the root method set forth by Lindblom in his artic le (The Science of Muddling Through).Branch method does not give opportunity to look for alternative solutions decisions are made based on assumptions, and there is no overall strategy. The decision can be made even without an agreement on objectives. On the contrary, the root method that is although more for an ideal world would make a better effect. It combines such arrogant features like being more theory oriented and assuming complete knowledge. It gives possibility of making a choice among several alternative solutions, not the showtime available and etc. One good example of the decision made according to the branch method in this case, would be the construction of the lock for the parvenu Orleans Industrial Canal. This project was justified only economically, without prior values or objectives (Lindblom) and would never be approved by the regular decision process (Grunwald and Glasser). This suggests that if the root method was implemented, the decision would not be accepte d, because, the participants of the discussion had some agreement, which made it possible to make a decision in favor of adulation of the shipping lock to be built.However, if the root method was applied, there would have to be anoverall agreement based on in depth analysis. some other reason not to choose the branch method is that it does not sufficiently rely on theory. We can observe that in the case when the Corps resolute to build the shipping canal to the Port of New Orleans. Nobody thought of the consequences of this decision. The construction only aggravated the situation when Katrina hit Louisiana, because there hadnt been any research or experiments carried out. The politicians were choosing this method, because it supposemed safer for them. They did not have to take a big responsibility and could delegate it to the lower-level agencies. In the branch method there is a watchdog system that should keep the values in balance (Lindblom). For example, Former Democratic se nator Bennett Johnston Jr. was criticizing the Corps for spending too much money. But later on, we see that he had his own pet project, a $2 billion effort to subdue the Red River between the Mississippi and Shrevport, LA which he pushed through the Congress.This method is more adaptive to internal and external changes, so the Corps and the politicians could make any micro changes they wanted. In 1982, the Orleans Levee District urged the Corps to lower its forge standards to provide more realistic hurricane protection and also switched to 100-year storm protection from 200-year plan to save money (Grunwald and Glasser). The square tragedy can be described just by the quote of Vic Landry, a Corps engineer Lets hope it doesnt come on our watch (Grunwald and Glasser). This was the overall story of view of the responsible parties of this case. Basically, nobody wanted to soil himself and take a responsibility to solve the problem as one unit. Essentially, if the root method had bee n chosen for making decisions, it would have a more positive effect on the situation. When the cost is the human lives you should look for the best opportunities to prevent the problem, not the first satisficing solution available, you should find the most efficient ways to get a result, not the cheapest. You need a deeper view of the problem. You need to be able to see the whole picture, identify the problem and find the alternative solutions to the problem.Congress was well informed that the US did not have a water resources policy and could actually reject the law or the bill to have it. If there was a water resources policy for prevention of natural disasters, that would also decrease the caused damage. In this case, the Corps would have to come up with a better plan to prevent or at least to mitigate the disaster.The Corps had already faced a tragedy of previous hurricanes and should have been more prepared to this situation. If there was better research, it would be clear, t hat if the Category 3 or higher hurricane happens, the lakes in the area would flood New Orleans. That would expose the problematic issues and give an opportunity to establish fiscal responsibility, so there wouldnt be any over limits of the budget. Beyond all doubt, if there was one center to control the processes, to plan the mitigation actions and etc. there wouldnt be any projects that contradict each other. The structures built for flood were not corresponding to the structures built for storm and vice versa, only worsen the consequences. Obviously, it takes too long for the politicians to make any decision and it takes even longer to change laws.Besides, some decisions were made blindly, without any forecasts for future. For example, there was a cut in budget of the Corps in 2002 by President Bush which as a result impacted New Orleans hurricane defenses. However, this kind of decision should have been made only after in depth analysis. What is really demanded is the change in the structures of the governmental agencies. Their actions should not depend on the decisions of the certain politicians that want to pass the particular projects for their own advantage which is not necessarily something positive for the social welfare. The lock for the New Orleans Industrial Canal which cost $750 million was justified by predictions of increasing ship traffic, but traffic rapidly declined (Grunwald and Glasser).The process of getting living from the government should be more complicated to stop squandering money of the tax payers. As French composer Hector Berlioz once said, Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils (Berlioz). I hope that the experience of lost time will teach the government and all responsible people to manage their resources properly and wisely, not to let American nation stay red-faced and homeless because of the wrong decisions and ambitions of certain people.Reference list1. Michael Grunwald and Susan B. Glasser / H ow a City belatedly Drowned. The Washington Post, National Weekly Edition, October 17 to 23, (2005) pp. 6-10 2. Charles E. Lindblom The Science Of Muddling Through (1959) 3. Letter written in November 1856, published in Pierre Citron (ed.) HectorBerlioz. Correspondance gnrale (Paris Flammarion, 1989) vol. 5, p. 390 Paul Davies About Time Einsteins Unfinished Revolution (New York Simon & Schuster, 1996) p. 214.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Urbanization Dynamics and Its Impact on Natural Resources
NEWSLETTER ARTICLE URBANISATION DYNAMICS AND ITS IMPACTS ON THE USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES IN MOSHI KILIMANJARO, TANZANIA By Isaac Kazungu1 and Maulid Bwabo2 Half the worlds world now live in built-up areas, with an estimated 60 million people being added every year (World Bank population Index report, 2010). This rapid urban result leads to environmental degradation and excessive demands on services, infrastructure and intention of natural resource in rapidly urbanising cities of the world, Moshi inclusive. Resource degradation, energy consumption, conflicts on he substance abuse of resources has increased drastically. To address this a three (3) years project titled LUNA (Livelihoods, Urbanisation, raw(a) Resources in Africa) financed by Volkswagen Foundation of Germany established within Five African Countries, namely Tanzania (Moshi), Cameroon (Bamenda), Botswana (Palapye), Cote dIvoire (Tyasale) and South Africa (Phalaborwa-Limpopo, and QueenstownEastern Cape). It started in 2009 and aimed at analysing the impact of urbanisation on the use of natural resources and livelihoods in Africa. 1Isaac Kazungu is Assistant lector and Researchers working with the segment of Marketing at Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS). His main areas of interest include Agricultural Marketing, Marketing research, International marketing, Livelihoods and Urbanization. He is a member of LUNA a group of researchers from Five African countries and Germany undertaking a project on Urbanization and its impact on the use of Natural Resources in Africa. 2 Maulid Bwabo is Assistant Lecturer and Researchers in theDepartment of Marketing at Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS). Among the other disciplines, he specialises in Food crops marketing, Strategic marketing review and Marketing audit. He is to a fault a member of LUNA a team of researchers from Five African countries and Germany undertaking a project on Urb anization and its impact on the use of Natural Resources in Africa In Tanzania the project was undertaken in Moshi Municipality along the slope of Mountain Kilimanjaro-the highest Mountain in Africa. It explored nine (9) settlements in both rban and peri-urban areas of the city. These settlements include Mweka, Uru, Kibosho, Karanga, Kwa sadala, Pasua Matindigani, Pasua Kanisani, Kiusa, Uchira Mashingia. Livelihoods and settlements characteristics, resource approachability and utilisation, settlement growth dynamics and challenges, economic activities and geographical locations are about remarkable areas explored. The result of the project built on what researchers explore about the problem, their insights and determine using both evidence based and reflections. The results spin on myopic enforcement of urban festering policies, rban agricultural product additions and branding, promotion of traditional crops which enhance livelihoods of the poor resource and disadvantaged group s, harassment of the city authority, conflicts on the use of water infrastructure, insecurity to land tenure, difficulties in capitalisation of financial institutions mortgages and marketing informations. Others include piteous horizontal and vertical linkages of local communities, associations and interested parties, compensation considerations, changing of the peoples mindset of farmers in production process and partnerships, fragmentation ofAfrican land use planning system, member based transformation efforts from informality to formality, poor governance. Likely, the question of ill staff in planning department and structural conflicts are some remarkable policy and practical development, which are potential for policy formulation and improvement for our country development. Key issues noted during this investigation calls for policy interventions and alternative on the reality. In additional, networking, capacity building on which young scientists (2 Master students from MUCCo BS) were trained through this project.NEWSLETTER ARTICLE of urbanisation and the use of natural resources within a aforethought(ip) and sustainable way to enhance residents in growth and their development processes. Notwithstanding, the project creates a good link of development cooperation between the North and South, which is among the countrys policy development agenda. LUNA team-Tanzania, left to right Bwabo, Dr. Wakuru Magigi and Isaac Kazungu (Photo by Takemore Chogomoka) Issues noted during the project exploration are central to different actors interested in Urban development and poverty reduction in rapidly rbanising cities. These actors include government, development partners, local communities/co-operators, non-governmental organisations, higher learning institutions, local government authorities and policy makers. The finding whitethorn be addressed for enhancing the link Acknowledgements Dr. Wakuru Magigi-LUNA country coordinator, Urban planner and Senior Lecturer MUC CoBS, Volkswagen Stiftung Foundation, the management of MZUMBE University and MUCCoBS. Contactsemailprotected com, emailprotected com Web http//www. luna-project. uni-freiburg. de/ http//www. muccobs. ac. tz
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Starbucks Attractiveness
THE INDUSTRY ATTRACTIVE? WHY AND /WHY NOT Starbucks currently operates within three industries Fast-Food Restaurants, coffee bean and Snack marks, and Specialty Coffees. Which ar defined by NAICS (North American Industry Classification System). Although all three are separate segments Coffee and Snack Shop and Specialty Coffee basically carry various similarities. Despite this fact that this assiduity is somewhat narrower when compared to the fast food industry that they are also affected to be a part of, the coffee and snack shop aspect of their overall industry. Attractiveness is their bread and butter.Starbucks currently represents 32% of this industry and continues to grow, making them one of its largest players. This is the industry that they need and have focused the most on. One of the main factors of success are clearly related to their plans for global expansion because Starbucks has all but halted their interior(prenominal) expansion (Global Data) and focused almost e xclusively on the former. Another fact that illustrates the need to concentrate on this segment is the advancement of overall industry attractor their specialty coffees segment (consisting of retail store sales) only comprises 7% of their total revenue.Starbucks operates its largest segment in Fast Food Restaurant Industry, despite their relative insignificance as compared to giants like McDonalds. It is worthwhile for them to pay close tending to this segment, because McDonalds and Starbucks may differ in market distribute, but Starbucks holds a larger market share of the segment that McDonalds wants/needs to capitalize on Coffee. So to operate in parallel industries makes for a key success factor dependent on the level of information on competitors that also drive change.Although focusing on its most important segment, the Coffee and Snack Shop, Starbucks should also pay careful attention to this segment as well in order to achieve their optimal industry attractiveness. I have come up with a couple options that Starbucks could consider from the information above. First, expanding into international markets is the best way to capitalize in this industry, so continuing expansion is key. China is their primary target currently, as stated above. keep to seize international opportunities at a constant but steady pace would be very beneficial.Second, expanding the menu, given this, Starbucks can implement a proactive strategy that includes new and improved menu and convenience items like, implementing deli items such as Paninis or wraps. This would continue to further separate the Starbucks brand, which, Ive placed is the key, in competitive markets. Third, create a new marketing strategy to grab attention. There is much more room for expansion and growth, Starbucks has only stirred the available and potential global markets.With its financial strength, international experience, and long standing relationships, Starbucks can spike into an international busin ess powerhouse in no time. However, this deal must be at a steady pace. The expansion strategy must incorporate the core capabilities and advantages of the company. They must find excellent people to carry through the process of expanding to a new country. The business ties they have created over the years must be used carefully, not to add too much hand on any suppliers.Expanding internationally would also force the company to rely on other markets other than the United States. Being an industry leader, many companies are benchmarking Starbucks. From relatively spending very little, the company could boost spending to include things such as TV ads and other untested marketing outlets, at least(prenominal) on a trial bases. This could possibly be an opportunity to expand their brand recognition, especially with the new logo. Referring back to my second suggestion and inform stanch customers of new menu items. Overall Industry Attractiveness As we have mentioned,
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Communications Journal Essay
Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry in the narrative style. adduce to this weeks readings to inform your responses. Describe the flow of information in your comp all. In your journal, discuss the following The intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational, and intercultural levels of discourse at heart your company How information travels up, down, and across your organization and how it relates to the basic communications model The functions of the Y hierarchy of directorial communications. Does it apply to your organizations communication hierarchy? A comparison of at least three managerial communication approaches you give observed in your organization At least three potential barriers to effective communications that represent in your company Format your journal entry consistent with APA guidelines.Information flow within an organization is just one key element to any organizations success. During this entry I will be describing the communication levels of Cubic , which is currently the organization that I work for. How that information flow from top to bottom, and the communication of the upper level management. I will also be comparing three managerial approaches within the company that I have observed, and three potential barriers to the communication within my organization. The intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, organizational and intercultural levels of communications ar all on display within the Cubic organization. T present are multiple Taffs within building 990 on Fort Irwin providing the same product for the government. Each Taff is comprised of six to nine personnel who are continuously communicating to provide a product for the government. Interpersonal communication is continuously conducted within each group so that nothing ever falls between the cracks. Individuals are always communicating with themselves due to the constant committee changes and be able to adapt to change quickly.There is a very diverse workforce here als o, mostly all retirees solely from many unalike cultural and ethnic backgrounds. As mentioned previously we generally work in small groups and communicate like one. It is almost like every Taff is its own junior-grade click,we talk about others and they talk about us. So outside of our Taff we can generally be considered rivals in a matter of speaking. Information travels generally in one direction from our customer (Government) to us. There are occasions when we have a little say so in the actual product but for the most part it is a one-sided show. We have the Government, site manager Paul Zamora, our Taff Lead is Clarence Butler, and then there is the Taff. chiefly the government provides Paul with marching music orders that are eventually passed to out Taff lead Mr. Butler and we perform the tasks necessary to meet the quota of the government. The channel used is generally internet from the sender (government) to the Taff, via site manager and taff lead. The feedback would b e the product produced by the individuals working in the taff, and as long as the product meets the standards of the sender all is in good working order. The functions of Y Hierarchy of managerial communications do exist within this organization.Our manager is continuously creating and encouraging a wonderful work environment and providing opportunities for employees to take the beginning(a) and self-direction. Management is always looking for new ways for employees to make significant contributions within the organization. Behavioral, empowerment, and contingency are the three managerial communication approaches that I have observed within the organization that I currently work for. Empowerment is the distribution or entrustment of power or authority to his or hers subordinates within an organization. Generally used when upper management is out of work for certain amount of time.Empowerment also encourages the employees to get more involved with the organization. The contingency a pproach is seen a lot in our Taff, Mr. Butler k flats that there is more than one way to skin a cat and whichever way produces the best result is generally the course of study that is taken. This is probably the approach seen mostly around the Cubic organization because of the results that are produced. Behavioral approach comes with trust and individual character. Managers have been seen trusting and respecting the employees more now than ever due the product that the taffs put out for the military customer.Personality, emotional, and physical are the three potential barriers to effective communication within the Cubic organization. Everyone here has their own personality and that can sometimes create an issue throughout thebusiness day. Individuals are loaded with many traits that create personal attitudes, approaches, angles, quirks and different views on the world. There are many occasions in which this trait has stalled communication between two individuals and in some case hu rt the overall product. activated barriers can be the worst. There are many individual at cubic that let things go straight to the head and forget that we are at the workplace. Emotions should not be brought to work with you at all, you should be able to brush things off and move on with the job. Managers are often seen using a softer accomplish to get through to the individuals with emotional issues. Physical barriers are one of the most common around my work place. There are many occasions that we are working with a wall between co-workers and with communication being the key to our success problem will generally arise on occasions. We have do complaints on many occasions with the same results deal with it.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Police suicide Essay
In the recent past, in that respect have been a number of cases involving constabulary felo-de-se. These have brought alarm to the nation as the same people delegated with the duty of safe guarding life atomic number 18 now turning against their own self. Its believed that the number of officers who die from suicide in the US surpass the number of those who die in the line of duty. In most of the cases, the cause of death is not revealed to the people to protect the victims family and friends. rearThis research paper intends to seek the main causes of police officers suicide. It contains a sample of research questions it intends to answer plus their hypothetical responses. It withal contains literature on precedent findings.In addition it contains the orders used in data analyses as well as the possible out comes of the research.Statement of the problemBasing on the fact that, there figures from the police department showing that their colleagues do commit suicide, its eviden t that these is a problem that needs to be addressed before this situation runs out of proportion. Its from this factor of admission that the research paper seeks to identify the possible causes of rise in the rate of police sources.Research questionIn order to strike the relevant training to this research, several questions could be formulated which if answered correctly would append answers and education to aid in writing this report.These overwhelm Under what situations do police commit suicide often? What age group of the police is at a higher consider a chance of committing suicide? Are there particular periods or events in the police calendar that are followed by high numbers of suicide? Do police who commit suicide have a psychic disturbance history? Were they alcoholic? What is the perception of the suicide to the police officers?Hypothesis Police between the ages of 20 and 30 are at the higher risk of committing suicide. Both normal and police officers with mental d isturbance histories do commit suicide. Police officers often perceive as the hold out resort to resolve or run away from challenges or situations they cant bear.Literature reviewIt has been confirmed that more than 110 police officers have committed suicide during the last year alone with more cases sedate below investigation, this was an all magazine high since the recording begun in the 1980s. However the rate of police suicide is still low when compared to people of the American society with similar back ground and educational levels. This can be attributed to the fact that the police have the capacity to provide mental health care to its officers counseling and other support services required. (Krueger,1998)Suicides can be attributed to relationship problems. This may include, pressure from their spouses, be it financial or general relationship problems. If an officer cant stand this pressure and they obvious fact of the availability of the weapons, chances of committing su icide are high. Suicide can as well be attributed to strain relationship between officers and their fellow officers or officers and their seniors.In addition, there are times when the officers get trouble at their places of work. For instance they may be accused of neglecting their duties or services or a performance that does not meet the set out rules and standards. This pressure leads to suicide rather than incline the ensuing consequences or disciplinary measures which include termination of services or suspensions. (, 2008)Police officers faced with regal procedures such as murder cases, corruption cases or negligence of duty cases do commit suicide in the event that they feel they may not win the cases or justice will either be delayed or denied.Moreover, there are financial difficulties that often lead to high rates of suicide among the police officers. Currently in the ground forces there are several financial obligations that pose a challenge to th e police officers in their endeavor to meet them. This includes taxation fees, mortgages and family financial obligations. Officers who find it large(p) to meet these obligations do commit suicide rather than face the realities of their failures.Another factor that has lead to police suicide is stress and depression. Officers are often time tied in their work leaving no or little time for leisure or recreation. This unavailability of time to refresh leads to clogged minds and chances of suicide are increased.The horrifying and terrifying realities that the police are exposed to can lead to mental disturbances leading to suicide. This includes exposure to suicide scenes, gun murders and horrifying accidents. (www.National, 2001)Methods of data collection (surveys, focus groups, observations)SurveysSeveral surveys have been conducted by the police force to ascertain the rate of police suicide. This information are often found at the police records and aided in gettin g the data required.Human rights groups have also conducted several surveys and have come up with figures showing the numbers, their age groups, married status as well as the causes of the police officers suicide.Focus groupsIn addition focus groups can be used to gather relevant information concerning these suicides. They can focus on a particular police county for a period of time keeping records and happenings and durations of suicides.ObservationsSeveral eye witness observations can also be relied on to come up with relevant information and figures. The information can be got from immediate family members of the officers involved who are affected by his or her death or who witnessed them committing suicide.Another way of gathering information is by interviewing fellow police officers or their seniors. They may be holding vital information about the circumstances border the officers death or possess information that had been on to the by the officer prior to suicide.Methods of D ata analysesAnalytical induction methodThis method will be used to analyze the collected data and come up with comments to be used in the findings. In this method, the event surrounding the officers suicide are studied after which a hypothetical reason on the cause of that is developed.Logical analysisIn this process, the cause of an officers suicide is determined by an inductive way of reasoning. For example, the cause can be attributed to a factor leading to another. Example, an officer commits murder, legitimate proceedings are instituted against him, its delayed, he is frustrated and commits suicide.Possible outcomes/ findingsThere are several factors that can be associated with the increased number of police suicide. Some of them are purely ad hominem while others are a multiplicity of various other factors.Mental problems can be associated to these suicides. Officers who have a mental problem are at high risk of taking their own lives especially so if they suffer from the co ndition in their line of duty and in the possession of a weapon. with their unsound mind, they may make unsound decisions to kill themselves.Another factor that would cause an officer to commit suicide is alcoholism and medicine use. If an officer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it reduces his or her cognitive abilities. With their reduced cognitive ability, they may turn against themselves as a way of actualizing their fantasies at the time which include the urge to kill or cause mayhem.Too much pressure at places of work may lead to suicide. Senior officers may pressure their young to perform duties at specified period of time or which may pose danger to officers them selves. Such duties such as fighting armed drug cartels or tracking down terrorists and serial killers may lead to suicide among officers to avoid such works or as away of showing their passion to their seniors.The US justice system is also to blame for a number of police suicides. Rather than face the possibility of dismissal and the stigma associated with it from such legal proceeding such as murder, corruption or negligence of duty, officers results to taking their own life. In some other cases the regal proceedings may take longer period that expected leaving the officers frustrated and demoralized often leading to suicide.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Conservation of heritage site of dhaka city
Background of the news report Dacha, wholeness of the oldest cities of Bangladesh, has a glorious history of over 400 historic period. Be pose of the location and strategic advantage, it was the hub of central activities and administrative activities during various past periods. The Buddhist and Hindu kingdoms, the Fagan Ruling prior, the McHugh Ruling Period, the British Colonialism, the partition of Bengal, the Lib eration War and the contemporary era own enriched Dachas history and the testimonies of those periods have strange significance in the nations identity.With the passage of time, Dacha has g iodine through changes to follow pace with the innovational globalizes world still yet some(prenominal)(prenominal) testimonies of antithetic historic periods remain. RAJAH has enlisted 93 historic sites of Dacha of different historic periods and come in a gazette form in 2009 but fit measures have not been taken from government initiative to save bulk of these sites after enlistment. As a result the go over of m whatsoever of these historic sites argon formidable in respect to geomorphological condition, illegal occupancy, incompatible body social structures, lack of alimony.In this postulate, we have tried to identify the location and present notation of these 93 enlisted hereditary pattern sites and develop some proposals and policies for the proper saving of these sites. There have been many researches on the inheritance sites of Dacha but majority of these researches focus on the sites that have gone through proper conservation measures and argon maintained well. Many of the enlisted inheritance sites atomic number 18 in deplorable condition and ar in a way to ruin but do not get any attention from readiness authorities.The exceptionalization of this study from previously conducted researches is that it has covered and highlighted the heritage ties that ar in a relatively deplorable condition beside the sites that are in a bet ter condition. An over each guiding constitution and framework have been proposed for the conservation of these legacies of the country. 1. 2 Methodology Figure 1. 1 Methodology of the Study Project Selection At the rattling(prenominal) first stage, the project was selected through the course teachers beneath the course Urban Planning Studio. It was virtu ally the saving of the Heritage sites of Bangladesh.Formulation of Objectives The objectives of study were formulated to achieve the goal. Preparation of literature re locating Literature view has been prepared by studying inter matter rules and regulations for conservation, criteria for conservation, different acts and policies. Laws of Bangladesh also has been studied for conservation. Three cases of conserved sites from contrary countries have been studied. Selection of Study area RAJAH enlisted 93 sites were distributed among nine groups. Each group was claim to decrease over ten sites.Data collection through field survey Data and info were collected though field survey. The location of the heritage sites, their testifyership status, conservation status and uses were determine. Selection of sites for detailed survey and abbreviation Three sites were selected for detail survey analysis from previous ten sites. Data collection of selected sites Data and information were collected of selected three sites. Primary data Primary data were collected though field survey. topical anaesthetic people and owners were interviewed and photographs were taken through this mold.Secondary data Secondary data were collected though visiting different Government offices, semiprivate giving medications and internet. Problems identification Different problems and issues were identified through survey and analysis. Determination of leslies and proposals Policies and proposals were generated and determined considering the prospects and problems regarding the sites. nett Presentation and Report Submission Fina lly a presentation has been prepared and report has been submitted. 1. 3 Objectives 1. To study location and present condition of the historic sites of Dacha city. . To determine some proposals for the conservation of selected sites. 1. 4 Rationale of the study Historic site conservation is very significant an issue to bring variability and uphold the historic magnificence while preparation an urban area. So, a defined study on inspiration of the heritage sites for formulating comprehensive guidelines based on the identified issues is Justifiable. 1. 5 Scopes and Limitations While conducting the study some scopes of the study were identified as well as some limitations were faced.Scopes To identify the present state of the heritage sites, detail survey have been performed and secondary sources have been gone through carefully. The owners of the sites have also been interacted to sort out the problems be in conservation of sites. The analysis has dish outed to formulate the policie s and proposals for the maintenance of the historic sites. If any project is planned in future by government or private sector for the conservation of heritage sites, the findings of this study would help to a great extent. Limitations Extracting of data regarding the heritage sites requires much time.Because of time limitation, the analysis could not be through in a greater scale. For conducting the survey it was necessary to visit the study area several measure which ca apply problems with expense issues. In some cases, the owners were not that much willinging to provide information. Accessibility to some sites was very poor because of the poor infrastructure and transport modes. Getting information from government authorities was difficult because of their resource limitation. No systematic database is maintained in most of the government authorities.Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The ethnic heritage may be defined as the total corpus of material signs either artistic or symb olic handed on by the past to each culture and, therefore, to the whole of humankind. (CICERO, 1990, p. 4) 2. 1 Criteria for conservation 2. 1. 1 oecumenical criteria Scholars and organizations have established criteria to assign a site or structure as heritage site based on various parameters. Countries worldwide have developed their own assessment criteria for heritage conservation considering these conventional parameters as well as taking into account the extra issues of own regions.World Heritage Trust has fixed six criteria (Aesthetic, Typical, Scarcity, Historical region, Enhancement of adjacent areas, Superlatives) the fulfillment of one or more of which would make a site worthy of conservation. Reign (1902) categorized the parameters in elementary five typologies- Age, Historical, Commemorative, Use, Newness. Lips (1984) emphasizes five aspects (Economic, Aesthetic, Associative-symbolic, and Informational) for designation a site as a heritage site.Burr Charter propo ses for assigning a site as a cultural heritage when it has any or more than one of these values Social (including weird, political, national, other cultural), Scientific, Aesthetic, Historic (Mason, n. D. ). Age, diachronic legacy, special architectural fabric of some feature period, rarity, human settlement of traditional indigenous communities are some very common criteria discover in the conservation principles of most of the countries act. Regarding age of the mental synthesiss, majority of nations isolation call for conservation of structures erected trus iirthyly 100 years or more.In Scotland, mental synthesiss erected before 1840 in Germany, those places which have survived for at least 50 years in south-central Africa, structures older than 60 years in Egypt, historic sites more than 100 years old in Pakistan, structures of at least 75 years in England, historic sites erected before 1st July 1948 are recommended to be enlisted as heritage sites ( slope Heritage, n. D. ). Conservation of religious icons, like- ancient churches, mosques, cathedral, temples, cemetery, tomb, monastery, holds significant importance for conservation in the acts of majority of countries.Conservation of ancient mines, caves, forts and palaces are very common worldwide. 2. 1. 2 Country wise Special Criteria Some nations have unique historic background or cultural identity which plays an important role in their arrested organic evolution of criteria for heritage conservation. In Nepal, the religion has a great impact in the conservation criteria of cultural heritage. In some countries, the places that have association of the historical or religious leaders are conserved for the spiritual and historic significance. According to AncientMonuments Protection wreak of Nepal, Archaeological Object means the object made and apply by human being in prehistorically period or handwritten genealogy, scribed or inscribed idol, temple of god or goddess, Buddhist cenotaph, sta tue, thanks, things used in royal palace. (Department of Archaeology, 1956) South Africa has a remarkable history of slavery and this holds a vital place in their assessment criteria of a site to be in consideration of conservation (SAHARA, 2013). In South Africa and England, the assessment criteria have been set bringing all the historical monuments under three grades or categories.In South Africa, Monuments of having importance at national level are assigned in Grade I and monuments having significance at provincial level fall in Grade II and the remaining ones with exemplary architectural interest fall in Grade Ill. English Heritage,a general body of the British Government in England, classifies the heritage sites of England in three categories Grade I (buildings of exceptional interest), Grade II* ( concomitantly important buildings of more than special interest), Grade (buildings of national importance and of special interests)(English Heritage, n. D. ).In India, INTACT also c ategorizes the sites for conservation in two groups gibe to priority for conservation. Priority has been given to distant developments meaning that town centers, local trade and small scale commercial enterprises are under terror (INTACT, n. D. ). In China, the ancient trees are also assumed as cultural property and are recommended to conserve. In September 2002, when the Municipality of Beijing issued a plan for protecting cultural property and relics inwardly the municipalitys borders, it included a provision for protection of ancient and famous trees (Durra, 2004). Norway second Concerning the Cultural Heritage, tress of special significance are recommended to conserve(Ministry of Environment, 1978). 2. 2 Principles 2. 2. 1 Publishing of enlisted buildings in gazette form In most of the country, the list of the heritage sites is produce in a gazette form to inform the general people. The list is also published in a number of renowned newspapers to get people informed. In No rway, notice is given in the Norwegian Gazette and in at least two newspapers for prevalent inspection.In Nepal, the list of selected heritage sites is published in a gazette form (Department of Archaeology, 956). 2. 2. 2 Ownership, accomplishment and maintenance Regarding ownership, owners are encouraged to conserve the heritage sites passing it to original owner based on the condition of its proper maintenance in many countries. In some cases, government receives the historic buildings from owners when there is lack of proper maintenance or vulnerability of its demolition. In Nepal, acquisition of historic sites is observed.In Section 5, the Chief Archaeology built in bedr has been empowered to cause the owners of ancient monument to enter into a deed of responsibility for Supervision of the monument, responsibility of the monument ND duties of its watchman (Department of Archaeology, 1956). In India, the central government may acquire the protected monument under edible of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 if a protected monument is in danger of being destroyed, injured, misused, or allowed to fall into decay.In Section 2(C) of Indians The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, it has been express that owners right can be restricted for ensuring the proper maintenance of a historic site (Gazette of India, 1958). In case of private ownership, an agreement is signed surrounded by the owner and the government for the proper protection of the monument. In Australia, The Minister enters into an agreement (a heritage agreement) on behalf of the district with the owner of a heritage place or object (Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment, 2011). . 2. 3 Tax motivator for conserving heritage sites TAR (Transfer of Development Right is a very utile measure in motivation the owners of the heritage site to leave the heritage site in governments acquisition for its proper safeguard. Conservation projects in Hong Kong and Australia gives evidence of effectiveness of TAR in motivating the private owners. Tax reductions and ax incentives can be effective instrument to encourage the owners of the historic monuments to conserve the historic building.In Germany, the owner of a general building who lets his property has a disparagement of tax of save 2 % per annum. The owner of a historic building has for eight years a depreciation of 9 % per annum and for the following four years a depreciation of 7 % per annum (RISC Research, 2007). 2. 2. 4 Construction compatibility Compatible construction and maintenance of environment within a particular extent of the enlisted site is observed in the legislation of many countries.In article 7 of Irelands Law on the Protection of Historical and Cultural Properties, it has been mentioned that no person can build or allow some other to construct a building within the registered limits of an archaeological area, without the permission of the name of Archaeology (Office of Attor ney General, 2004). In Pakistan, the zone for compatible construction around a historic site is fit (Antiquities Act, 1975). To protect a historic structure from disturbance in Norway, a zone shall extend from the visible or cognize perimeter as far as necessary around an automatically protected monument r site.The area shall be encircled in each case by the concerned dictum (Ministry of Environment, 1978). In India the prohibited area is mm and more mm beyond it is also included for reconstruction, repair or renovation compared to the main site (Gazette of India, 1958). 2. 2. 5 Alteration of heritage site Addition, destruction or variation is strongly discouraged in majority of countrys legislation. If done so, provision of punishment is kept in most of the countrys act.However, if any much(prenominal) measure for alteration is to be undertaken, taking consent from planning authority is a must. In Policy BE 8 and Policy BE 12 of Planning Policy Statements of Ireland, it has bee n stated that the planning department can consent to for any alteration when the new development is in philanthropy with the characteristic built form of the area and the scale, form, materials and detailing of the development respects the characteristics of adjoining buildings in the area. The environmental aspects have also been considered (Planning, Archaeology and the Built Heritage, 1999).In Germany, it is mandatory to seek permission from the state authorities for all proposed changes to the building, or demolitions and any change that does not eave resemblance with the original form cannot be done. For example, no modern large windows are allowed in a historic building (RISC Research, 2007). According to Englands legislation, new work or alteration in England to a significant place is acceptable if the alteration ensures no material vilify to the values of the place and the value of the place is reinforced or further revealed (English Heritage, 2008).Some countries acts ha ve provision for substitute or alteration of features of heritage sites if the feature is in an almost ruined state. But the condition of borderline intervention to the originality of the heritage site is persistently applicable in these scenarios. If repair of a historic structure by stabilization, consolidation, and conservation proves no satisfactory result, the next level of intervention involves heir.This replacement has to very bound and is applicable in kind of extensively deteriorated or missing parts of features when there are living(a) prototypes (for example, brackets, dentals, travel, plaster, or portions of slate or tile roofing). The replacement material needs to match the old both physically and visually, I. E. , wood with wood, etc (Weeks, et al. 1995). In special cases, permission can be given for demolishing a building but this is very rare a scenario. In Ireland, The Planning Department does not have the demolition of a listed building unless there are exce ptional reasons.Proper reasoning has to be Justified before demolishing about why the building cannot be halted in its original or a reasonably modified form (The Planning Service, 1999). 2. 2. 6 Penalty for damage Any damage or attempt to harm the heritage site calls for severe punishment in most of the countrys legislations. According to Indians legislation, any person who moves NY antiquity shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees and the appeal conviction a person of any such contravention may by order such person to restore the antiquity to the place from which it was moved(Gazette of India, 1958).Section 51 of case Archives and records service of South Africa Act calls for guilt fines up to a maximum amount of ROI 000 for infringement of the terms of Act and heritage resources authority is liable for punishment (SAHARA,1996). 2. 3 Strategies for Conservation The common tools used in different countries for conserving a historical site involve obliteration, restoration, replication, adaptive reuse and preservation. Restoration is a process where any alteration from the original form is removed and the structure is returned in exactly its original form.It is the toughest form of conservation and can only be carried out when there is substantial physical and documentary or oral evidence to retain the authenticity of the structure. Rehabilitation and renovation are more flexible conservation approaches. Rehabilitation has to be undertaken to make decrepit buildings usable again by bringing necessary modifications in the interior art and leaving the exterior part in the original form.Preservation should be considered as the primary treatment when the historic places materials, features and spaces are essentially intact and thus convey the historic significance without extensive repair or replacement (Canadas Historic Places, 2010). Adaptive reuse refers to the utilization of buildings other built structures and sites of value for purposes other than that for which they were intended in the beginning (Australia COSMOS, 2013). Relocation is also a conservation tool which is applied in very rare cases. In Egypt, relocation of a heritage site is done only if the site is in danger of lifelike hazard.Otherwise conservation has to be done in the original place (Nashua, et al. , n. D. ). 2. 4 Institutional Arrangement for Conservation For conserving the historical monuments, a strong institutional framework and coordination among the authorities is found in western and some of the Asian countries. The conservation social occasions from the very beginning of assessment and declaration of the site as a historical monument towards the protection of the site from decay is done by Archaeology Department of the nation and the planning omission or planning department of the government.The institutional framework for heritage conservation involves the following steps Figure 2. 1 Planning process methodology for ins titutional framework Source Mason ( n. D. ) 2. 4. 1 Government agencies, central and local government In Norway, Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage focusing is a government agency come throughs cultural heritages at national level whereas County Municipalities are responsible for the steering at regional level.The State Administration of Cultural Heritage (SASH) is responsible for historical site conservation in China. In Singapore, AURA (Urban Redevelopment Authority) is designated as the national conservation authority charged with powers under the Planning Act to issue conservation guidelines, advise the Minister for National Development on getting areas for conservation and appropriate planning permission for restoration works apart from serving as the national planning authority(Legislative Council Secretariat, n. D. . The responsibility is distributed between the central and the local government in Ireland as the entire procedure of conserving and managing the hi storic sites becomes difficult and complex if only the central government is involved. The Minister has responsibility for formulating national policy in relation to the physical heritage and for the death penalty of the National Monuments Acts. Physical planning is implemented at local government level, under the policy direction of the Minister (Packard, 2001).In South Africa, heritage resources are managed by the levels of government closest to the community (SAHARA, 1996). The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage Management is responsible for the commission of cultural heritage in Norway on the national level. At the regional level the county municipalities are responsible for the management in their county. For archaeological excavations there are five chartered archeological museums authority (Ministry of Environment, 1978).Regarding coordination among the agencies of government, Philippines shows a good collaboration and management understanding among the agencies. T he cultural agencies and other national government agencies (The Department of Tourism, the intramural Administration, The Department of Public Works and spiritedways, The National Commission on Indigenous People, The UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines, The Office of the special Envoy of Transnational Crimes) consult, coordinate and work closely tit the commission in the implementation of their respective programs/prosects (Congress of Philippines, 2009). . 4. 2 International organizations International organizations also extend their assistance to manage the entire process of conservation or undertaking any measures needed for conservation in form of technical and monetary assistance. UNESCO, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation & Restoration of Cultural Properties (CICERO), The World Heritage Trust, International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (C) are some international organizations playing vigorous role in promoting the c ultural heritages worldwide( UNESCO, n. D. ). 2. 4. Private and autonomous organizations Some private and autonomous organizations are also observed to play important role in conservation of the historical legacies. In Nepal, an organization named Ought Corporation, an autonomous organization of government of Nepal has a major role in looking after the proper protection of the private ancient monuments. In South Africa, The national system for the management of heritage resources (SAHARA) and in India, The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACT) have a vital role in facelift heritage awareness among people and in taking care of the historical structures( INTACT, n. . ). 2. 4. 4 Involvement of professionals In some instances, committee is formed by multi-disciplinary team of experts to provide technical assistance in the entire procedure of conservation. In Afghanistan, a committee is formed and named the Archeological Committee consisting of two archaeologists, scientifically qualified member, one historian, a lecturer from the Faculty of Social Sciences from the University of Kabul, one engineer or architect according to the Law of Protection of Historic and Cultural properties (Ministry of Justice, 2004).For discovering the defects of cultural heritages, five-yearly inspections are undertaken before irreversible damage occurs involving medical specialist professional specially conservation architects (Kent, n. D). According to legislation of England, if a local planning authority does not have the full range of expertise to assess the financial Justification and the assessment of proper development, it will be necessary to involve external consultants (English Heritage, 2012). 2. 4. Public- Private Partnership Public private partnership is effective way to undertake and manage the entire procedure of conservation measures.In Nepal, macrocosm participation is encouraged to manage and look after the conserved sites watchman (Department of Archeology, 1956). 2. 5 Financial Arrangement for Conservation Funding for the conservation of heritage sites usually comes from owners initiatives, public funding, international donation, private associations, grants and loans. In Egypt, Together with public funds, there are international donations assisting conservation of heritage sites. Salvage of Nubian Monuments was assisted by the UNESCO in the sixties (26 million dollars) and unfertile tomb by Getty (1 million dollar) (Nashua, et al. N. D. ). There are two principal programs of aid available in Ireland. L) Tax relief program for expenditure on approved heritage buildings, gardens and objects in respect of repair, maintenance or restoration. 2) Grant aid program for the conservation of the architectural heritage which is administered through local planning authorities . This scheme was initiated in 1999 with budget of E. 9 million. Grants available under this scheme are small, within a range of E 500-10000 although grant s of up to E20000 may be provided in exceptional circumstances (Packard, n. . ). In Norway, all or some of the costs are met by the State and decision regarding this funding is taken by the Minister. Where less extensive private projects are involved, all or part of the costs is met by the State, if these costs impose much burden for the initiator of the project (Ministry of Environment, 1978). In Section 77 of Englands Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas act it has been mentioned State makes grants or loans for the purposes of defraying the whole or part of expenditure required for conservation works.Other grant sources than States grant may be available from the Heritage Lottery Fund, local authorities, heritage groups and amenity societies (Kent, n. D. ). In Nepal, renovation of the private and public monuments is done by Town Development Fund. Amount may be received as donation or grant from Government or any person or organization, international organization, foreign govern ment or entrance fee (Department of Archeology, 1956) The funding agencies which assist INTACT in India to undertake any conservation of cultural heritage sites include Gag Khan Program, Australian High Commission,Helen Hamlin Trust, UK,INTACT (I-J) Trust, Maharani Museum Trust, Jodhpurs, UNESCO, World Monument Watch, Unit Foundation ,Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain (MACE),Patella Heritage Society, Ministry of Tourism, Department of Archaeology, UNCUT, tibia Japan, University of Allahabad, Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. University of Hawaiis at Manna,Department of Cultural Heritage, Government of Kananga, Archaeological Survey of India ,Ministry of Culture, ,Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Human resourcefulness Development, ,Ministry of Railways( INTACT, n. D. ). 2. 6 Conservation in Bangladesh The Antiquities Act, 1976 has been followed so far for the conservation of the heritage sites. The other legal furnish are unflinching Antiquities P reservation Rules 1976, The Archaeological Works Code 1938, and The Manual of Conservation of 1922(Department of Archaeology, n. . ). 2. 6. 1 Criteria and Principles Immovable antiquity has been defined in Antiquities Act as any urban site, street, group of buildings or public square of special value which the Central Government, being of the opinion that its preservation is a matter of public interest by reason of its arrangement, architecture or materials of construction, by deification in the official Gazette, declares to be an immovable antiquity for the purposes of this Act Criteria for Conservation (Department of Archaeology, 1968, p. ) The Department of Archaeology of Bangladesh considers enlisting a historic or archaeological building only if it is 100 years old as per provision in the Antiquities Act (Ancient Monuments Preservation Act of 1904). But the committee formed for enlistment of historic sites on behalf of ARRACK enlisted an edifice considering historical, archite ctural, political, aesthetic and cultural value even if it is not 100 ears old(The Daily Star, 2008).The conservation practice in Bangladesh is archaeological preservation and it is based on the legislations introduced in 1922 by Sir John Marshall, the founder director General of Archaeological Survey of India (Wisped, n. D. ). Conservation, Acquisition, Penalty For the decision regarding conservation, an advisory committee is stated to take the responsibility which consists of director, two members of parliament, and three other persons having special knowledge about antiquities.The committee would give decision about a property the owner of which cannot be traced. Section 7 of Antiquities Act demonstrates that provincial Government can acquire a land or any part of the land that contains antiquities under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (1 of 1894) for public purpose after getting direction from the Central Government.Section 16 of the Act calls fir compulsory acquisition of an imm ovable antiquity if it is in danger of decay. A protected immovable property cannot be used for any other purpose than its preservation and administration. In Section 20 of the Act, provision for penalty for counterfeiting or damaging antiquities has been kept, but what pacific punishment would be given has not been clarified (Department of Archaeology, 1968).Though TAR (Transfer of development Right) is very effective to persuade and encourage private owners to cooperate in governments move of conserving heritage sites, it has not been introduced in Bangladesh till 2008(The Daily star, 2008). Change and Compatibility In Dacha Metropolitan Building Rules (Impart Norman Abdominal), it has been stated for any change, development, extension or destruction of building, a written statement is needed from the authority. The authority can permit entirely or partly
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Character Analysis of Lara Croft in the Tomb Raider Franchise Essay
This attention to detail would seemm to support the representation of Lara Croft as a cyber bimbo as there is a strong emphasis on her being a provoke symbol. This realize point is supported by the general media, despite the creator of Lara Croft (Toby Gards) intentions for her to be lustful solitary(prenominal) because of her power. This can be seen through Robert Ashley of Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine description of Lara Croft as the low gear video game character openly thought of as sexy plus moreover Publications care Play, GameTrailers, and PlayStation Magazine listed big breasts as one of the characters most famous attributes. Her sex supplicant is so great that male players perform in-game actions to make Lara Croft repeatedly say phrases and view closer tv camera angles of her bust, while pornography featuring the character has been distributed via the internet.This viewing is not helped by the clothing she wears throughout the games. An opossitional sexist view arises from the fact that she is even sexualised through her attire when partaking in the action of the game. Throught the various Lara Croft games her outfits change correspondlingly to the missions, all baring emphasis on the thighs and legs, becoming more and more revealing. Outfits much(prenominal) as the Dressing gown lounge suit and Evening Gown in particular help pay homage to her unobtainable attriubtes which make her such an errotic charcter. This differs greatley from the other male gaming protagonists generally in the media such as Max Payne or Hitman. Where we see it the norm for lara to parade around shooting people in almost her underwear it would be a very different story if hitman turned up to his mission wearing only knickers instead of his infamous suit.My personal o dusknion on Lara varies in the context in which she is portrayed. I believe elements of the construct of Lara Croft bring to mind the implications of Sex thus fitting one of the views as her being a Cyber Bimbo. notwithstanding it is true that alot of her attributes and actions can also show her in a more positive light as a Feminist Icon. Lara is a tough, independent woman, and an adventurer, who confidenly flinch from fighting men. Her hobbies consist of free acclivity and shooting, which are uncommon and emancipated for a woman and she therefore breaks away from traditional gender roles. numerous can say she more closeley fits a stereotypically male role, which may be due to the orignal character archetype being a male.Her success may be a result of her body being so excessively exaggerated thus providing an example of how women are being reduced to relative creatures who can only be defined by their relation to men. However it would be an unfair argument to simply pin her success on her enourmous boobs and ignore the other defining features of this likeable character.Lara Croft as a game in many ways can be as a respectable product. being one of the original female p rotagonists she helped expand the market to a wider audience, inviting more female gamers. The majority of the Cyber bimbo critizism developed from the merchandise which appeared as part of the Tomb Raider franchise, such as magazine publications sporting lara in a sexually provacitive way, which was critized by the games designers and the commericials she features in, not the game itself.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Coming Of Age Personal Essay Essay
Everybody experiences flood tide of get in their life clip. Coming of eld is the transition from childhood to adulthood. My coming of age started in the middle of my grade 8 year and has continued up until the present. So, for me coming of age has occurred from grades 8-10. The three footsteps that really defined my coming of age was my locomotion to Europe, starting high schoolhousedays and getting my offset printing job at Tim Hortons.My first step in my coming of age was traveling to Europe with my aunt and uncle. Firstly, I was not with my parents which made me feel more self-reliant. This was my first time horseback riding on a plane and traveling for more than a week without my parent so at the time it seemed like a enlarged deal. I felt that because I was not being watched oer as heavily, I was more responsible and was growing up. Secondly, I was starting to travel the world for the first time and it made me think of my future(a). It reminded me that when I was old enough, there were going to be endless possibilities to what I could accomplish and where I could go. This is definitely an important step in growing up. Realizing that you need to start preparing for your future and start to figure out what you demand to do and where you want to go. Lastly, I made red-hot sure-enough(a) friends that made me feel like I was growing up and expanding my bubble. The people I met were senior then I was and were so friendly. I felt more mature near them. Meeting new people if all part of coming of age. This is why traveling to Europe was the first step for me to start maturing and to start coming of age.The second step I took towards my coming of age was when I started go to high school at Sir William Mulock Secondary School. Starting high school was a mammoth budge from elementary because there was a lot more indebtedness. The teachers do not come after you for novel assignments and there is a lot more home hold out that is necessary to comple te. This helped me prepare myself for after high school when my employers will need me to show initiative when completing tasks. So therefore, this was a big step in my coming of age. Secondly, when you are in high school, authorities start to treat you as a mature young adult. This means that they have fast paced learningenvironments and expect you to show up for class. If you miss to galore(postnominal) classes you will not pass the course. This taught me to push myself when I was tired or sick which is a big part of growing up. When you are an adult working full time, you cant skip work when you arent feeling well. So for these reasons, starting high school was a big step in my coming of age.The last and most recent step towards my coming of age was starting my part time job at Tim Hortons. Having this job as my first job was a big responsibility. In ensnare to keep my job I had to show up on time, manage my extracurricular activities and homework around working, ask a lot of q uestions and deal with co-workers. This added responsibility helped me to start to understand what working will be like once I have graduated high school. Thinking ahead for the future and obtaining responsibility is part of coming of age. Also, for this job I had to learn many a(prenominal) new skills. When you are starting a new job there are many techniques you have yet to master such as operating the cash register and making food/beverages as well as customer utility skills. Learning all of this helped to me feel more mature and useful. Lastly, the job provided me with a steady flow of cash. Earning capital was something that I had never experienced before and it gave me a good feeling. It made me self-reliant , which is a big part of growing up. Having my own money and being able to spend it on what I want is also a test to see if I can make good decisions or not as well as teaching me money management. This is an important skill for when I have locomote out. Therefore , ge tting my own job was the most recent step in my coming of age.So for these reason, I think that my coming of age happened over my grade 8-10 years. I am not make growing up yet, but the main events leading up to this day that have started my coming of age were my traveling to Europe, starting high school and getting my first job. There will be many more events in my future that will continue my coming of age in the future, but for immediately I am young and am excited for the growing that I still have to do.
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